Running a Veeam Replication Partial Failover

Running a Veeam Replication Partial Failover

To initiate a partial failover, the client selects the virtual machine to be failed over from the replicas that are in a ready state. Cloud Connect Replication doesn?t verify if the original virtual machine is still running, due to that it?s possible IP address conflicts may occur if the tenant doesn?t verify this information prior to starting the partial failover, however there are two options

  • Failover Now
  • Planned Failover

The Failover Now option will initiate the partial failover without looking at the client side VM state. This assumes that the client side VM is not accessible or has been turned off by the client due to some issue with the VM?It will let you choose a restore point from any replica stored in Zettagrid. The Planned Failover will let you choose a restore point from any replica stored in Zettagrid and will turn off the source VM as part of the partial failover process.

To initiate a Partial Failover, select either Failover Now or Planned Failover from after right clicking on the VM under the Replica menu item in the Backup & Replication menu

Choose the Restore Point and click Next.

Enter a reason if desired and click on Finish. The Restore Session window will appear and the Log will inform you of the process

Undoing the Partial Failover:

To undo the Partial Failover all that?s required is to right click on the VM under the Replica menu item in the Backup & Replication menu. Note that this will assume that the source VM has been brought back to good working condition and will not replicate back any changes.

The source VM must be powered back on manually to complete the process.

Initiating Failback:

Undoing the failover stops the replica VM at the Zettagrid end, and any change applied to that VM is lost. If the client has made changes to the replica VM and wants that version to be the one to be used from now back in production, the failback option can be used to replicate the replica VM back into the client site.

To initiate a failover, click on the VM under the Replica menu item in the Backup & Replication menu and select Failback to Production.

Select the Replica to failback and click next

From the Destination menu, choose the option you want in relation to where you want the VM to failback to. As seen below there are three options to choose from.

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