Journal Retention Periods

Journal Retention Periods

SecondSite subscriptions include a 24hr retention journal period. This allows customers to restore their protected VMs to any point during the retention period.

Customers can elect to purchase a longer retention period by changing the ?Service Profile? via the Zerto console for the corresponding Virtual Protection Group (VPG). Selecting a longer period requires more storage that can be purchased in advanced otherwise it will be charged at a later stage.

Longer retention periods are audited and charged monthly in arrears.

Journal Retention PeriodPer Month (inc GST)
24 hours (1 Day)Included 
More than 24 Hours(Days/Weeks)$99 Per TB Block

Storage allocation options

-Order Stage 

 Initial Secondsite Service order

-Resize Stage 

 Resizing your current Secondsite Service

To change your retention period log into your SecondSite console, select the VPG, click the REPLICATION tab and change the "Service Profile"

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