Zerto SecondSite Key Benefits

Zerto SecondSite Key Benefits

Zerto SecondSite is a great product and has so many benefits to partners and customers, we?ve tried to keep the list as short as we could and came up with the below:

  1. Low RPOs: The SecondSite DR solution can give Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs) of as little as 3 seconds.
  2. DR you can test: A lot of solutions are great but too hard to properly test. SecondSite allows you to do full ring fenced testing during business hours without pausing replication or impacting production.
  3. Low RTOs: Right after you hit the Failover button we can have your VMs up and running in a few minutes anytime day or night giving you a great Recovery Time Objective (RTO).
  4. Simple Pricing: Lets not kid ourselves, you can pour good money after bad into DR projects that end up costing millions and often don?t deliver. 
  5. Automation, Automation, Automation: At Zettagrid if we can?t automate it we don?t want to do it. Take advantage of all the development we?ve done from our mature VDC product, networking and the Zerto product itself to make life easier for your company.
  6. Multi-Hypervisor: Yes, you can protect your on premise environment no matter if you use either VMware or Hyper-V.
  7. Scalability: No matter whether you need protection of 1 VM or 1000, this product allows for it all. Gone are the days when a solution this mature is only available to large enterprise customers.
  8. Multiple Australian Data Centres: Take your pick, do you want it in the same state as you or would you prefer it in Perth or Melbourne, or even Sydney perhaps?
  9. Real-time Monitoring: At any stage you can log into the portal and check exactly what RPO you are getting. You can find out graphically whether there is network congestion or anything in the way of you having a simple and painless DR failover if it were required.
  10. MyAccount UI: Enjoy purchasing and managing this product from our familiar MyAccount Portal with granular configuration of components.
  11. Management Reports: We have made over 20 different reports available to make reporting to senior management or the board about how protected the company is from disasters a simple process.
  12. Software Solution: Since this is totally a software based solution it means that there are no more underutilised SANs, servers and switches out in your DR site going rusty. No more requirement to buy new hardware for the DR site every 3-5 years even though it never gets used. Our solution is truly an Opex solution that you pay by the month.
  13. Direct Ethernet Connections: Is your outbound internet not good enough for your DR requirements? We can set you up with whatever link size or type that you need.
  14. Colocation: What about if you also have non-virtualised assets such as firewalls or tape libraries? Yes, we can house them in racks nearby and make them available by cross connect.
  15. Expert Support: We at Zettagrid have done countless successful implementations, we know what works and what doesn?t. Let our experience in providing DR guide you to a successful implementation. Don?t reinvent the wheel.

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