How to create WHM Cpanel VM in Vcloud Director

SETUP WHM Cpanel on Zettagrid VDC

  1. Login into Vcloud Director. You can find Your username password Vcloud Director in this KB :
  2. Click on Mycloud, and Click ? + ? Button



  1. Change to lookin to ?Public Catalog? and ?All Templates? , and type ?WHM?  on search area .
    Click on WHM_cpanel and Next .


  1. Change the vApp_name or you can click Next to set as a default .


  1. Set Virtual Machine Name . And select the storage profile. Then you can click Next .


  1. Set computer_name and select LAN Network that you will assigned to VM .


  1. Customize the specification hardware . Or you can set be default , and you can customize it later.

Click Next .


  1. In Summary Tab, click Finish to deploy the template.



  1. Right Click on Vapp_Cpanel . And Click Start



  1. Double Click on Vapp_Cpanel . And Click ?Virtual Machine? Tab.
    Right Click on VM CPanel and click Popout console


Login with username : root

Your root password , you can check in :
Right Click on VM Cpanel -> Properties -> Guest OS Customization





Please to change the root password immediately with command :
# passwd root

NOTE : Please add new user and assign as root for remotely user using SSH


  1. After you can login , please to check the connection first access to internet with Ping .



  1. Check Service Cpanel with command :

# service cpanel status

If the service is stopped ( not running ) , you can start it with command :

# service cpanel start

  1. Next step is , configure the NAT and Firewall to open the connection from internet .

Go to Administration -> Double click DC Number -> Click Edge Gateway -> Right Click choose ? Edge Gateway Services?




  1. Then, add DNAT Rule for open Cpanel Port services . This rule for open port 2083 . Do the same for open port 2087.

Applied On : Automatically
Original IP/Range : Your Public IP
Protocol : TCP

Original Port : Port access from internet, ex: 2083 ( cPanel Port )
Translated IP Range :

Translated Port : 2083

Description :


  1. Next , configure the Firewall Rule to open Port that you setup before in NAT Tab.



  1. Last Step, access your WHM using your Public IP
    And login with username : root / Password : Your root password