Partner Child Account Creation

Partner Child Account Creation

Partners often want to be able to manage customers in separate accounts to simplfiy billing and management. You can create a new Child account (aka Customer) from your main partner account.

  1. Login to main (parent) partner account via https://account.zettagrid.com/  

    1. If you do not know which is your main partner account contact support for your account manager.

    2. Username/Password: Contact your partner admin for an account or email support@zettagrid.com to create a new login for this account.

  2. From the menu select Profile -> Partner Program

  3. From the "Create Child Partner Account" section, click "Create Account" button.

  4. A Windows is displayed.  Enter the Customer name in the “Account Suffix”. All invoices will show this information. [OPTIONAL] You can also create an additional user login for this account at the same time.

  5. Confirmation is displayed. The new child account is now created with the format [Your partner name] [Customer Suffix]" and has the same notification email and street address as your parent account.

  6. Discount and payment terms are not set immediately. Our Operations centre need to configure these manually, which will occur within 1 business day. Call us if you would like to expedite this process.

  7. If you log into the new child (customer sub-account) you can check if you still have "Requested" discount and Terms under the partner program page. These will disappear once your correct discount and terms are set.