SecondSite Zerto Hyper-V to VMware DR Replication

SecondSite Zerto Hyper-V to VMware DR Replication

Customers can replicate from Hyper-V to VMware to achieve DR protection, however please note that there are some special service considerations that need to be verified to achieve a successful replication.

Instruction Guide

Zerto have provided the following instruction guide for replication HyperV to VMware https://help.zerto.com/bundle/Admin.HV.HTML/page/Replication_From_a_Protected_Site_Hyper-V_Server_to_a_Recovery_Site_VMware_vCenter_Server.htm .

Zettagid will manage the configuration of the VMware environment. The customer is responsible for the local HyperV environment.


  • When recovering from Hyper-V to VMware, the virtual machines are recovered with the same number of sockets as CPUs and not the original number of sockets.

  • When protecting Windows 2012 R2 virtual machines from Hyper-V to VMware, after a failover test you may need to reactivate the virtual machine.

  • When recovering Windows 2008 virtual machines from Hyper-V to VMware, at start-up the recovered virtual machine guest operating systems request System Recovery.
    Workaround: Before attempting recovery operations, update the guest OS registry in Windows 2008 virtual machines as follows:

    1. Create a blank .reg file.

    2. b) Copy the following text to the new .reg file:

      1. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
        [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\LSI_SAS] ?Start?=dword:00000000

    3. Copy the .reg file to the protected virtual machines in Hyper-V.

    4. Double-click the file and click Yes to confirm the change.

    5. Delete the .reg file that you copied to the protected virtual machines

    6. The virtual machines will now start successfully for all recovery operations to VMware. For more details, see VMware KB #1005208.

  • Zerto Virtual Replication script parameters use vSphere terminology, even for scripts in a Microsoft Hyper-V environment.

  • Re-IP does not work for Linux machines.

  • During a storage disaster, if the VRA is shutdown and restarted after the storage is recovered, the journal and recovery volumes managed by the VRA may be deleted.

  • In Change VM Recovery VRA, via MORE in the VRAs tab under SETUP, the values in the column VM Size (GB) are not correct.

  • Changing the storage used by a VRA from a CSV to non-CSV storage, or from a non-CSV storage to CSV storage, fails.

  • You cannot protect virtual machines using storage that is only configured in Hyper-V and not in SCVMM.

  • Virtual machines with fixed size disks are always recovered with dynamically expanding disks.

  • VSS checkpoints are only implemented when protecting Windows 2012 generation 2 virtual machines.

  • Protected virtual machines must have the latest version of Integration Services installed in order for a re-IP to be successfully performed.

  • SCVMM is not automatically refreshed after any recovery operations to or from the SCVMM. This can result in Integration Services not being detected by the Zerto Virtual Manager and this can lead to virtual machines failing to boot and Integration Services functions such as re-IP not working.
    Workaround: Manually refresh SCVMM.

  • All management operations that can be executed from SCVMM, must be executed from SCVMM and not from the HyperV host. For example, removing a virtual machine must be done from the SCVMM console and not from the Hyper-V console.

  • Removing a virtual machine from a VPG is not reflected in the user interface.
    Workaround: Re-edit the VPG to remove the virtual machine and click DONE.

  • A VRA cannot be installed on a Hyper-V host when the host is attached to a LUN via iSCSI along with other Hyper-V hosts.

  • In order to reconfigure the SCVMM credentials via the Diagnostics utility, you must first stop the Zerto Virtual Manager.

  • A protected virtual machine defined in the VPG to have a static IP address on recovery will switch to a DHCP configuration when recovering.

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