Virtual Server First Steps

Virtual Server First Steps

Once you have purchased your Virtual Server it will be put in a queue to be built. The time it takes to build your service depends on the system load but is usually less than fifteen. Once your VM is built it will be visible on the internet.

Monitoring the Build Progress

You can monitor the progress of your server build in My Account. This is available from:

  1. Log into My Account

  2. Click My Services

  3. Click on the service ID you want to monitor. (i.e. VPS1234)

  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page.

  5. A percent complete (%) will be displayed.

My Account Features

  • Specifications: Details current vCPU, RAM, Storage, IP Address.

  • VM Tools: Start / Stop / Reset / Suspend your VM.

  • Console: will take you to the ?console? of your VM. The console is the tool whereby you see the console screen and activity log for your service.

  • Rebuild: will destroy and recreate your service from the original template.

  • Cancel: will send a cancellation request to to terminate this service.

  • Upgrade: allows you to upgrade the specification of your Server (CPU/RAM/Storage/Bandwidth etc)

Remote Access

Once your server is built, it will be automatically running. You can remotely access it right away. Be sure to note down the IP address listed on the ?Overview? tab.

  • Linux: SSH (Port 22)

  • Windows: Remote Desktop Protocol RDP (Port 3389)

  • Hardware Level Console (See next section)

Hardware Level Console

Hardware Level Console is just like you have the server sitting in front of you.  You can manage (stop/start/restart/pause) your VM and see the boot screen.

  1. To access console, login to your account,

  2. Browse to services then the VM

  3. Once viewing the VM click console. A popup window should appear with a blank screen. Uses port 7443.

  4. Once the status bar at the top indicates it is connected, click inside the blank section and press any key to view console.

We recommend that you use up to date version of web browsers with the HTML5 console.  It is compatible with current versions of most browsers: IE10+, Chrome 16+, Firefox 11+, Safari 7+ (and Safari on iOS 6+).


  1. Using Microsoft Desktop Connection from the command line


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