DNS and IP considerations for Zerto SecondSite

DNS and IP considerations for Zerto SecondSite

While Zerto SecondSite takes care of many things for you, there are a few items that you still need to take care of in your Business Continuity (BC) or Disaster Recovery (DR) planning.

This includes external DNS/IP addresses.

When you have failed over to Zettagrid's cloud you might have some external websites or IP addresses that may require changing.

With advance planning, you can ensure that all external websites or IP addresses can still be accessed after failover. For each of these you will need to think about which apprach you will take. You may decide to add steps to edit your external DNS records through whomever provides your external DNS in your DR plan. Alternatively, you may choose to introduce global load balancers so that this step is seamless.

There are a number of options available to you and it's important to select the right approach for you and your business.

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