Enable SSO on a VCD
OpenID Connect (OIDC)
Redirect URI: https://mycloud.xxx.zettagrid.com/login/oauth?service=tenant:<org_cloudXX>
org_cloudXXX must be in lowercase
Create a new App Registration, enter a name
Click on ‘Add a redirect URI’ and enter https://mycloud.xxx.zettagrid.com/login/oauth?service=tenant:<org_cloudXX>
Create a client secret under ‘Certificates and secrets’
Under ‘token configuration’ click ‘add groups claim’ and add a groups claim
Under ‘API Permissions’ click ‘Add a permission’ then click on ‘Microsoft Graph’, then ‘Delegated Permissions’ and select ‘email’, ‘profile’, and ‘openid’
Log into vCloud director and navigate to ‘Administration’ from the top menu
Enter client ID and secret into OpenID settings, the IDP Well-known Configuration Endpoint will be:
Click next, it should autofill the information
Ensure claims maps are as follows:
You may need to re-edit the config later to get all the claims mapped, sometimes it doesnt let you free-text edit the claim name
Turn on automatic key refresh, with the defaults.
In Azure AD:
Enterprise Applications → New Application → Create your own application
In the app select ‘Single Sign on’ from the left, select SAML
Edit Basic SAML Configuration: