How to create a VM using ISO
- Â Log into VCloud Director and Select the vApp you want to deploy your Virtual Machine in
-  From your vApp Select "ALL ACTIONS →  ADD → ADD VM"
   3. Complete Virtual Machine Details
     Name / Compute Name ( Try and keep this the same)Â
     Type = "New" if you want to use an ISO
     OS Family and OS
     Boot Iamge = Select Image you need for your Build
   4. Enter correct details as per your Virtual Machine Build
     CPU = vCPU's (2 Ghz = 1 vCPU)
     Memory = Sufficient Memory needs to be available in VDC
       Per Disk Assign the Following
        - Storage Policy ( ioSTOR Bought for your VDC)
        - Size
        - Select Network available in vApp
        - Selet Adapter TypeÂ
   5. After you added the vm you can verify ISO added and start VM