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Upgrade Virtual Machine Hardware
Zettagrid Dynamic VPN Customer Guide
Zettagrid NSX-T guides
Zettagrid Cloud Director and Operation Manager plugin
Microsoft Licenses
How to prevent unauthorised access to your account
Service Status Notifications - How To Subscribe
Microsoft Software Licensing
Do I have a choice of 32bit or 64bit versions of Office 365 to Install on Zettagrid?
What is the difference between a SAL and processor license?
As a Zettagrid Partner, can my customers use their Office 365 licenses on Zettagrid?
Which Office 365 products can I install and use on Zettagrid?
Where can I find more information about Office 365 Shared Computer Activation?
What Operating Systems does Zettagrid support?
How are Processors, Cores and GHz related? How do they affect Licensing?
Can I rent other Microsoft licenses?
Which Office 365 Subscriptions are eligible for Shared Computer Activaion?
Will deploying to Zettagrid count towards my SCA 5 installation limit?
Software Installation Guidelines
Can I bring my existing Microsoft software licenses to the cloud?
Can I license windows for my entire VDC?
How do I deploy Microsoft 365 to my Zettagrid VMs?
What versions of Windows can I use for Microsoft 365 on Zettagrid?
cPanel Use
Can I copy my own software onto the server?
What is a processor license?
Charity / Not for Profit Licensing Terms
What is a Subscriber Access License (SAL)?
As an Microsoft 365 subscriber why can't I just install Office Pro Plus myself?
Can I bring my own VM image?
VM License Mobility when importing to or exporting from Zettagrid
How to use a Microsoft S.A.L
Cancelling a network/voice service part way through a billing period?
I've added my details for an automated debit. Why did it fail?
Can I pay my invoice online?
What happens if I do not pay by the due date?
How long do I have to pay my invoice?
What payment methods do you accept?
How can I update my payment details?
How will I receive my invoice?
Can I choose a non-automatic payment option?
Where can I find my Account Number?
What is the minimum contract length of the service?
Cloud Services Excess Data Rates
Payment Terms
I've ugraded a service but have not been billed for it
Data Ownership Policy
Application Support
Excel or CSV formatted invoice
Data Sovereignty Policy
Terms and Conditions
Credit Card Storage Policy
Backup Policy
Cancelling a Cloud service
Privacy Statement
Can I upgrade and downgrade users?
Do you accept purchase orders?
How to create a VM using a Template
Export VM into OVA/OVF
How to Console Virtual Machine in vCloud Director
How to create a VM using ISO
Using Terraform with vCloud Director
vCloud Connector API
How to find vCloud Director Username and Password
How to change a Storage Tier for a VM
Assigning a Private IP to a VM
How to create VM from OVA/OVF
Create a VPN in a VDC
Virtual Machine Password
How to upload an ISO to a vDC
How to change allocated resources for your VM
Configure Load Balancing
What is NSX Advanced Networking?
VDC Dynamic Routing Tab
Syslog Configuration
What is the difference between Enterprise Fibre and NBN fibre?
Can you provide redundant independent Ethernet Fibre links using different wholesale providers?
Do you measure traffic between multiple Ethernet connections and cloud services through Zettagrid?
Securing Remote SSH
Do I still get charged if my VM is turned off for a period of time?
Are your servers located in Australia?
Server Addresses
Linux VM - Extend Disk to Existing Partition
How do vCPUs work in Zettagrid?
Do automatic updates (ie Windows Updates, Linux Patches) count toward my quota?
Upgrading RAM
Charging for Offline or Archive VMs or VDCs
Do you offer burstable limits on RAM and CPU?
NBN and Mobile Broadband Network Port Restrictions
What VM remote access tools are supported?
Linux VM - Create Disk to New Partition
Uploading Media / Software in Zettagrid
How to Create Zettagrid Account
Quick Support Card (PDF)
Account Authorities in Zettagrid
Will Zettagrid restore my VM from backup if I break the VM?
Can I take a copy of the virtual server for my own backup?