What has changed after migrating from NSX-V to NSX-T backend ?

What has changed after migrating from NSX-V to NSX-T backend ?

The automation tools used for the migration from NSX-V to NSX-T will cause a few changes to the formatting of the rules on your edge:

Firewall Rules


NSX-V Edge Firewall


Firewall rules before migration


NSX-T Edge Firewall

Firewall rules after migration


All source and destination networks or IP addresses will migrated to IP Sets for each Rule. The migration tools provided by VMware do not create very readable names, so you may wish to rename them. You can rename IP Sets as you wish.





If you use the Edge for DNS relay, change the DNS IP within each VM’s OS to special Listener IP. You can obtain it in DNS forwarder IP on Edge level (default value is

Shared networks

NSX-V Shared network

By default shared network will be accessible to all vDCs in your organization

NSX-T Shared network

Shared Network transformed into Data Center Group with two participant vDCs, Edge to which the network is connected will be add as Egress point


During the migration process, the DNS settings for Organization Network will be changed, if Primary DNS server = Gateway IP.

You must change from the old value to the new value inside the Operating system as soon as possible after the migration.



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