Check any internal DNS to ensure the ZVM IP is correct
If you opted to use the internal Keycloak, now is the time to log into https://<ZMVA IP>/managment and update the ‘Security & RBAC’ to ‘No Access’
Post Migration - ZORG not found in storage
As part of the migration from 9.7 to 10. A Known issue occurs where a table in the ZVM database is filled with incorrect data. On 10 U2 this does not present itself but upon upgrading to 10 U4, you may see an error on VPGs to the effect of ‘ZORG not found in storage’. To clear this error, please refer to the two sets of instructions below. One for customers with Internal Databases and one for External Databases
Internal Database
Run the following command to stop the ZVM service:
kubectl scale deployment zvm-service --replicas=0
Run "k get pods" to check the status of the service shutdown. This will be complete when the 'zvm-service' disappears from the list
Snapshot the ZVMA
Run the following command to clear the table:
kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods | awk '{print $1}' | grep zvm-db) -- /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U sa -P "zvmapp-5T^d#ak*Y6" -Q "use zvm_db; delete CloudConfigurationIdentifierStorageObject;"
You should receive a message advising '1 rows affected'Run the following command to restart the ZVM service:
kubectl scale deployment zvm-service --replicas=1
External Database
Run the following command to stop the ZVM service:
kubectl scale deployment zvm-service --replicas=0
Run "k get pods" to check the status of the service shutdown. This will be complete when the 'zvm-service' disappears from the list
Snapshot the ZVMA
Connect to External SQL database and manually backup DB
Identify the table
(should be 1 line) and run a truncate command to delete all contents but leave the table itself.Run the following command to restart the ZVM service:
kubectl scale deployment zvm-service --replicas=1
SSL Update
If you use an internal SSL certificate for your ZVM portal, you can use the below instructions to update the SSL certificate.